Just Dance

My daughter and I have this game called Just Dance. Where you have hit the steps at the right time to get points. The closer you are with the timing the more points you get. So in other words the timing was everything. It made the difference between winning and losing. 

This concept is true when it comes to God’s timing. Ecclesiastes 3:1(NIV) says There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Everything with God falls into timing. 

The enemy knows that he can’t stop our destiny but if he can delay our timing we will miss the open doors that await us, we will miss the divine appointments, and the visitations we are planned to receive. 

In the Army, we had a saying that if you are on time you are late. Many times we place a time limit on God then we become discouraged when it doesn’t happen in OUR timing. God is looking at us saying but I never told you that it would be at that time. 

Today I choose to just dance like David danced, praising God that my request has been recorded and shall come to past because I BELIEVE that I will!!! Don’t place a time on it place a two step with it!!! So today put a praise on it because when praises go up blessing come down. So just dance! Hallelujah!!

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